En Rejuvenus Clinic ofrecemos soluciones para pieles laxas y flĆ”cidas que se han producido con el tiempo. Los revolucionarios procedimientos de contorneado realizados en nuestra clĆnica pueden tensar y contornear Ć”reas mĆ”s grandes del cuerpo, como los muslos o el abdomen, que pueden ser resistentes a la dieta y el ejercicio tradicionales. Ya sea que estĆ© buscando una barriga mĆ”s plana, muslos mĆ”s firmes y un trasero mĆ”s color de rosa, los tratamientos no quirĆŗrgicos para esculpir el cuerpo pueden ayudarlo a ponerse en forma sin tener que sudar en sesiones interminables en el gimnasio.

Body-Sculpting se refiere a los tratamientos que destruyen las cĆ©lulas grasas sin cirugĆa. Algunos de los procedimientos en la ClĆnica Rejuvenus funcionan congelando las cĆ©lulas grasas, otros usan calor penetrado a travĆ©s de radiofrecuencia o terapia de ultrasonido, para ayudar a remodelar, tonificar y esculpir el cuerpo (abdomen, muslos, glĆŗteos, muslos y brazos) despuĆ©s de un nĆŗmero de sesiones.
Estos tratamientos seguros para el contorno corporal estĆ”n diseƱados para eliminar de manera permanente y efectiva las cĆ©lulas grasas y estimular la producciĆ³n de colĆ”geno para una apariencia mĆ”s suave de la piel. Las cĆ©lulas grasas destruidas se eliminan naturalmente a travĆ©s del sistema linfĆ”tico del cuerpo. Como resultado de los tratamientos de Body Sculpting, los mĆŗsculos y la piel se vuelven firmes y en forma. AdemĆ”s de reafirmar los mĆŗsculos, lo que se traduce en una increĆble pĆ©rdida de centĆmetros, la estimulaciĆ³n de nuestras mĆ”quinas de esculpir tambiĆ©n aumenta el metabolismo, la circulaciĆ³n de fluidos y la oxigenaciĆ³n del Ć”rea tratada, lo que la convierte en una herramienta muy eficaz para el tratamiento anticelulĆtico.
Los tratamientos se ofrecen normalmente en sesiones, de 2 a 10, dependiendo del tratamiento que elijas y de la zona que estĆ©s tratando. Cada sesiĆ³n dura entre 1-2 horas. Los pacientes pueden tener procedimientos adicionales para efectos mĆ”s pronunciados. En promedio, cada procedimiento da como resultado una reducciĆ³n visible de la grasa tan pronto como en la segunda semana del tratamiento, y los resultados mĆ”s espectaculares ocurren en un perĆodo de cinco a seis semanas en la mayorĆa de los pacientes. Ven a visitarnos para obtener mĆ”s informaciĆ³n sobre nuestro equipo de contorno corporal y envolturas adelgazantes.

Preguntas mƔs frecuentes
En la ClĆnica Rejuvenus, estamos dedicados a brindar el mejor servicio a nuestros pacientes.
AquĆ hay una lista de nuestras Preguntas Frecuentes. Si tiene alguna otra pregunta o inquietud, nuestros expertos le brindarĆ”n toda la informaciĆ³n que necesita.
Am I a candidate for Venus Freeze™?
You may be a candidate for Venus Freeze™ if you have started to lose elasticity in your skin and are showing early signs of fine lines, wrinkles, and/or saggy skin. You may also be a candidate for Venus Freeze™ if you have cellulite. Venus Freeze™ can be used on the face, neck, or body, depending on your treatment goals. To determine if you are an ideal candidate, schedule an appointment with one of our skin care professionals at our clinic.
How much does it cost?
Prices are dependent on the specific considerations of individual treatment plans. Factors that influence the final cost include the area treated and the number of sessions needed to reach a patient’s desired results. Prices are gone over in detail during the free consultation at Rejuvenus Clinic. If this treatment is a good fit for you, our team will help determine a treatment schedule that matches both your body-contouring goals and your budget.
What can I expect when having Venus Freeze™ treatment ?
During your treatment, you can expect to feel the applicator slowly getting warmer until it reaches the necessary temperature. Most people find the treatment to be relaxing and equate the sensation to a hot stone massage. However, if the applicator is too hot, your operator can change the settings to maintain your comfort. The entire treatment lasts approximately 15-30 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area. Most patients receive about eight treatments spaced one week apart, however this can vary depending on your treatment plan.
What are the sideeffects?
Equipment has been FDA-approved as a safe and effective non-surgical body-shaping procedure. This procedure has been lauded by researchers for its lack of adverse effects. However, patients can expect some mild soreness within the muscle areas treated for one to two days post-procedure. The soreness is comparable to what one would feel after an intense workout.¹
What can I expect after my Venus Freeze™ treatment?
After your treatment, you can expect to feel relaxed. There is no downtime associated with Venus Freeze™ treatment and you can immediately return to your usual routine. In some cases, you may notice some redness and/or warmth around the treatment area, but this should fade within a couple of hours. After the final session in your treatment series, your results will continue for about 3-4 months. Since this treatment does not stop the aging process, however, maintenance treatments may be recommended.
What results can I expect?
Most patients find the best results with a treatment schedule of four sessions, with two or three days in between them. Generally, patients start to see visible musculature improvement within two to four weeks after completing the full treatment and can improve continuously up to six months post-procedure.* Individual results and experiences may vary.*