Si sufres de hiperhidrosis (sudoración excesiva) ¡podemos ayudarte!
La hiperhidrosis es una condición médica que padecen casi 1 millón de canadienses. Las personas que sufren de hiperhidrosis se encuentran sudando en temperaturas más frías o incluso cuando se relajan.
Áreas de hiperhidrosis primaria (glándulas sudoríparas hiperactivas)
palma de las manos

En Rejuvenus Clinic entendemos lo incómodo que puede ser vivir con un exceso de sudoración en las axilas que arruina nuestra ropa. Esto puede tener un impacto significativo en la confianza en sí mismo y puede afectar su calidad de vida. Nuestro personal ofrece una evaluación integral y un diagnóstico de su problema de sudoración excesiva, y también analiza todas las opciones de tratamiento, incluidas: lociones recetadas, píldoras recetadas, tratamientos de venta libre o inyecciones de Botox® (toxina botulínica). El uso de BOTOX® puede ayudar a contrarrestar los síntomas de la hiperhidrosis al bloquear la comunicación entre los nervios y las glándulas sudoríparas.
Botox® ha sido aprobado por la FDA como un medicamento con un efecto duradero en la Hiperhidrosis. Después de las inyecciones, Botox® entrará en las terminaciones nerviosas de las glándulas sudoríparas. Luego bloquea la liberación de una sustancia química que señala la transpiración. Este procedimiento simple y seguro toma alrededor de 1 hora. Se pueden sentir pequeños pinchazos, pero si es necesario, se puede aplicar una crema anestésica de antemano para adormecer la piel durante el procedimiento. No hay tiempo de inactividad, ni cirugía y molestias mínimas, como hinchazón temporal. La sudoración generalmente se controla durante 6 a 12 meses. Se pueden administrar tratamientos repetidos a medida que los efectos comienzan a disminuir.
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is located on both sides of the head at the point where the jawbone meets the skull. The temporomandibular joint is used during talking, eating, swallowing, and other everyday activities. If this joint becomes displaced or is overworked through excessive teeth grinding, a person may suffer severe tension headaches, as well as sharp pain in the jaw. Symptoms of TMJ disorder are very similar to those of bruxism. They include:
Pain in the jaw, ears or face
Pain or tension in neck or shoulders
Constant headaches and Teeth grinding
Since both conditions have very similar symptoms and are often related. Both of these conditions can cause a person significant discomfort and pain.

En Rejuvenus Clinic entendemos lo incómodo que puede ser vivir con un exceso de sudoración en las axilas que arruina nuestra ropa. Esto puede tener un impacto significativo en la confianza en sí mismo y puede afectar su calidad de vida. Nuestro personal ofrece una evaluación integral y un diagnóstico de su problema de sudoración excesiva, y también analiza todas las opciones de tratamiento, incluidas: lociones recetadas, píldoras recetadas, tratamientos de venta libre o inyecciones de Botox® (toxina botulínica). El uso de BOTOX® puede ayudar a contrarrestar los síntomas de la hiperhidrosis al bloquear la comunicación entre los nervios y las glándulas sudoríparas.
Botox® ha sido aprobado por la FDA como un medicamento con un efecto duradero en la Hiperhidrosis. Después de las inyecciones, Botox® entrará en las terminaciones nerviosas de las glándulas sudoríparas. Luego bloquea la liberación de una sustancia química que señala la transpiración. Este procedimiento simple y seguro toma alrededor de 1 hora. Se pueden sentir pequeños pinchazos, pero si es necesario, se puede aplicar una crema anestésica de antemano para adormecer la piel durante el procedimiento. No hay tiempo de inactividad, ni cirugía y molestias mínimas, como hinchazón temporal. La sudoración generalmente se controla durante 6 a 12 meses. Se pueden administrar tratamientos repetidos a medida que los efectos comienzan a disminuir.
Botox® is injected into the temporalis, frontal and masseter muscles that together can cause jaw pain and headaches. Botox® works by blocking nerve signals that cause uncontrollable muscle movements, essentially relaxing the muscles.
Injections take only 15 to 20 minutes and remain effective for anywhere between two and six months. Therefore, like its cosmetic counterpart, Botox® TMJ treatments must be repeated every few months depending on the patient. Most patients who receive treatment regularly after a year to two, have notice the decrease frequency needs for retreatment due to the fact that their muscles have atrophied over time. Therefore, the need for Botox treatment can decrease from 3-4 times a year to maintenance treatment of 1-2 times a year. If you have TMJ and it‘s determined that you are a good candidate for this treatment, how often you’ll need to receive injections to relieve symptoms will depend on the severity of your condition.

Our experts can provide all the details you need to make an informed decision about the procedure.
Book your appointment today to schedule a consultation!

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How Does Botox Work For Teeth Grinding?
The Botox injections are composed of the neurotoxin known as Botulinum Toxin Type A. Injection of this toxin into the facial muscles does not only lead to the elimination of fine lines and wrinkles, but it also works as an effective treatment for teeth grinding.
When the doctor injects Botox into the muscles that contract during chewing, it works by relaxing these muscles. Relaxation of these muscles does not only work by releasing tension from the jaws but also prevents teeth grinding and the resulting pain and soreness in the surrounding muscles.
How Often Should I Get Botox For Teeth Grinding?
Most health professionals consider Botox an effective treatment for teeth grinding. The effectiveness of Botox for teeth grinding is not only hypothesized by experts but has also been investigated in a number of studies.
Since the effects of Botox last between 3 months to 6 months in most individuals, it may be repeated every 4 or 6 months. However, over time the facial muscles may get trained to contract less than they did before, causing the effects of Botox to last longer.
How Long Does It Take For Botox To Become Effective For Teeth Grinding?
While you may leave the office right after the completion of the procedure, you may have to wait a while before noticing the results of Botox. According to data collected from health clinics, most individuals can see the results of Botox for teeth grinding within 23 hours to 3 days after the procedure.
However, for some patients, it may also take up to 2 weeks to experience the true effectiveness of the procedure. The major changes you may notice when your Botox becomes effective are the reduction in clenching, teeth grinding and tension in the muscles of mastication.
Where Is Botox Injected For Teeth Grinding?
Botox may be injected into different parts of the body based on the type of effect the doctor is aiming for.
For example, if you are getting Botox for the management of teeth grinding, the doctor will mainly target your jaw muscles, also known as your masticatory or masseter muscles.
These muscles are responsible for causing the clenching movement of the jaw, which also promotes teeth grinding.
How Long Does Teeth Grinding Botox Last?
The results of Botox may vary from individual to individual based on a number of factors. These may include the age of the patients, the volume of Botox injected, the targeted muscles, and the patient’s metabolism. On average, the results of Botox range between 3 months to 6 months.
Before getting an appointment for Botox for teeth grinding, you may have to undergo an initial consultation with the doctor. Your doctor will take your medical history and physically evaluate the muscles of your face, temporomandibular joint, and the inside of your mouth to assess the severity of your teeth grinding and offer possible treatment options for Botox.
How Much Botox Is Injected For Bruxism?
The dose and volume of Botox used for teeth clenching may differ from one doctor to another, based on their belief and understanding of the case.
However, in the majority of the cases, a concentration of between 2.5 to 5 units per 0.1 ml of Botox is used. The dose often injected into the masseter muscle is between 25 to 50 units, while that to the temporalis muscles is between 10 to 25 units.