Si sufres de hiperhidrosis (sudoraciĆ³n excesiva) Ā”podemos ayudarte!
La hiperhidrosis es una condiciĆ³n mĆ©dica que padecen casi 1 millĆ³n de canadienses. Las personas que sufren de hiperhidrosis se encuentran sudando en temperaturas mĆ”s frĆas o incluso cuando se relajan.
Ćreas de hiperhidrosis primaria (glĆ”ndulas sudorĆparas hiperactivas)
palma de las manos

En Rejuvenus Clinic entendemos lo incĆ³modo que puede ser vivir con un exceso de sudoraciĆ³n en las axilas que arruina nuestra ropa. Esto puede tener un impacto significativo en la confianza en sĆ mismo y puede afectar su calidad de vida. Nuestro personal ofrece una evaluaciĆ³n integral y un diagnĆ³stico de su problema de sudoraciĆ³n excesiva, y tambiĆ©n analiza todas las opciones de tratamiento, incluidas: lociones recetadas, pĆldoras recetadas, tratamientos de venta libre o inyecciones de BotoxĀ® (toxina botulĆnica). El uso de BOTOXĀ® puede ayudar a contrarrestar los sĆntomas de la hiperhidrosis al bloquear la comunicaciĆ³n entre los nervios y las glĆ”ndulas sudorĆparas.
BotoxĀ® ha sido aprobado por la FDA como un medicamento con un efecto duradero en la Hiperhidrosis. DespuĆ©s de las inyecciones, BotoxĀ® entrarĆ” en las terminaciones nerviosas de las glĆ”ndulas sudorĆparas. Luego bloquea la liberaciĆ³n de una sustancia quĆmica que seƱala la transpiraciĆ³n. Este procedimiento simple y seguro toma alrededor de 1 hora. Se pueden sentir pequeƱos pinchazos, pero si es necesario, se puede aplicar una crema anestĆ©sica de antemano para adormecer la piel durante el procedimiento. No hay tiempo de inactividad, ni cirugĆa y molestias mĆnimas, como hinchazĆ³n temporal. La sudoraciĆ³n generalmente se controla durante 6 a 12 meses. Se pueden administrar tratamientos repetidos a medida que los efectos comienzan a disminuir.
Primary hyperhidrosis (also called focal hyperhidrosis) causes constant sweating in the hands, underarms, face, or feet without stimulating factors.
Secondary hyperhidrosis (also called generalised hyperhidrosis) is constant sweating all over the body or a large area of the body, usually this is caused by a medical condition or a medication.

En Rejuvenus Clinic entendemos lo incĆ³modo que puede ser vivir con un exceso de sudoraciĆ³n en las axilas que arruina nuestra ropa. Esto puede tener un impacto significativo en la confianza en sĆ mismo y puede afectar su calidad de vida. Nuestro personal ofrece una evaluaciĆ³n integral y un diagnĆ³stico de su problema de sudoraciĆ³n excesiva, y tambiĆ©n analiza todas las opciones de tratamiento, incluidas: lociones recetadas, pĆldoras recetadas, tratamientos de venta libre o inyecciones de BotoxĀ® (toxina botulĆnica). El uso de BOTOXĀ® puede ayudar a contrarrestar los sĆntomas de la hiperhidrosis al bloquear la comunicaciĆ³n entre los nervios y las glĆ”ndulas sudorĆparas.
BotoxĀ® ha sido aprobado por la FDA como un medicamento con un efecto duradero en la Hiperhidrosis. DespuĆ©s de las inyecciones, BotoxĀ® entrarĆ” en las terminaciones nerviosas de las glĆ”ndulas sudorĆparas. Luego bloquea la liberaciĆ³n de una sustancia quĆmica que seƱala la transpiraciĆ³n. Este procedimiento simple y seguro toma alrededor de 1 hora. Se pueden sentir pequeƱos pinchazos, pero si es necesario, se puede aplicar una crema anestĆ©sica de antemano para adormecer la piel durante el procedimiento. No hay tiempo de inactividad, ni cirugĆa y molestias mĆnimas, como hinchazĆ³n temporal. La sudoraciĆ³n generalmente se controla durante 6 a 12 meses. Se pueden administrar tratamientos repetidos a medida que los efectos comienzan a disminuir.
Botulinum Toxin for Hyperhidrosis

Our medical experts can provide all the details you need to make an informed decision about the procedure.
Book your appointment today to schedule a consultation!

Preguntas mƔs frecuentes
En la ClĆnica Rejuvenus, estamos dedicados a brindar el mejor servicio a nuestros pacientes.
AquĆ hay una lista de nuestras Preguntas Frecuentes. Si tiene alguna otra pregunta o inquietud, nuestros expertos le brindarĆ”n toda la informaciĆ³n que necesita.
What is Hyperhydrosis?
Hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes excessive sweating unrelated to exercise or body temperature. This type of excessive sweating is much more severe than normal sweating and may affect the underarms, face, hands, and feet. Hyperhidrosis patients often experience sweat stains on their clothing, clammy or wet hands or feet, and excessive overall sweating throughout the year and regardless of activity levels.
How Does the Treatment Work?
Perspiration occurs when the brain sends signals through the nerves to the sweat glands telling the glands to produce sweat. The wrinkle-smoothing injectable works by disrupting these signals, preventing the message from getting through and thus reducing sweating. While sweating is essential to regulate the body's temperature, there are millions of sweat glands on the human body. The treatment affects only a handful of these glands, making it as safe as it is effective. Over time, the active ingredient will wear off and be naturally metabolised by the body. Most patients only need to come in for treatment about twice yearly and sometimes less frequently.
How Do I Treat Excessive Sweating?
At Rejuvenus Clinic, our dermatologists and patients alike often prefer a neuromodulator product that is also used as a wrinkle-smoothing injectable for treating excessive sweating. The active ingredient in these products temporarily blocks nerve signals that stimulate the body to produce sweat, resulting in noticeably drier treatment areas. Proven safe and effective for this purpose, several quick injections once or twice yearly is enough to keep excessive sweating at bay.
Is Treatment for Excessive Sweating Right for Me?
Treatment with wrinkle-smoothing injectable may indeed be right for you if you've been diagnosed with hyperhidrosis or if your sweating is excessive enough to regularly soak your clothing or cause you embarrassment or discomfort and if you've failed to respond to over-the-counter remedies. Wrinkle-smoothing injectable is well-tolerated by nearly everyone and is considered one of the most effective temporary solutions for hyperhidrosis. One of our dermatologists will review the various treatment options with you and formulate a customised treatment plan to meet your unique needs.
Who is a good candidate for Hyperhydrosis Treatment ?
Those with hyperhidrosis whose excessive sweating causes discomfort or self-consciousness can benefit from hyperhidrosis treatment. Be sure to speak with our specialist regarding any allergies or health conditions that you may have so that she can safely prescribe the best hyperhidrosis treatment option for you. The results are dramatic and can last for as long as 10 to 12 months. Most of our clients receiving this treatment have been perspiration-free for nine months with gradual resumption to their normal perspiration after this time. Do not hesitate to contact us to learn more!
What Can I Expect?
Your hyperhidrosis treatment is a relatively brief in-office procedure. Your practitioner uses a fine needle to administer a series of injections, each of which lasts only a moment. After your appointment, you may immediately return to your normal activities. Side effects are typically minimal and limited to the injection sites. They can include itchiness, tenderness, redness, and bruising. Over the following weeks, you should notice your sweating gradually diminishing, with measurable results you can enjoy for months.