There are few physical issues that impact your self-confidence as much as losing your hair. A full, thick head of hair is an important aspect of appearing youthful and attractive. Until now, treatment for hair loss was limited to hair transplants, or the use of topical or oral hair growth medications – until the discovery of PRP for hair loss.
PRP is a source of enrichment for your hair that could help to stimulate hair growth within your own body. If you are experiencing hair loss and want to restore healthy growth, our PRP for hair loss restoration could be your answer.

PRP therapy is a proactive therapeutic option for male and female patients experiencing hair loss. PRP is a non-surgical therapeutic options for patients who require stimulation of hair growth for hair loss conditions due to a genetic or age-related problem. Our experts use a PRP serum that they formulate from the blood of every individual patient.
This PRP serum is injected into the scalp to help prevent further thinning of the hair. After a series of treatments, the hair grows back thicker and stronger with a better shine, lustre, and richer colouring. The PRP serum contains a concentration of growth factors, mesenchymal stem cell, cytokines, and other important proteins that will aid in hair regrowth and reverse receding scalp line or baldness.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is used in medical aesthetics as an effective method for Facial/Skin Rejuvenation and Hair Restoration. Since the PRP is the patient’s own blood, there is no risk of rejection or allergic reaction. It is this natural healing response of the body that makes PRP effective.
PRP begins with a small sample of your blood being drawn. It is then placed into a centrifuge to separate the platelets & plasma from your red blood cells. Once separated, the Platelet-Rich Plasma is then extracted and ready to be used as an injection treatment.
Once injected into your treatment area, the platelets begin their natural healing process by generating a fibrin mesh, activating the healing and growth factors in your body. The result is a fuller, younger looking you–all from using your own cells and nature’s healing process.

When you will first arrive at your appointment, we will begin with a simple blood draw, just like a routine blood test. Then, using a proprietary technique, platelets and plasma will be separated and concentrated into a serum that will be ready to be applied on the skin. We will then apply an anesthetic cream on your face. Once the anesthetic cream takes effect, we will begin the treatment.
The treatment consists of making multiple superficial microscopic perforations into the facial skin with a microneedling pen (called a Dermapen) and then gently apply the Platelet Rich Plasma serum onto the microneedled area.
The Vampire Facial™ is virtually painless and can treat most skin types. The procedure is quick, lasting approximately 15 minutes. However, overall appointment duration will be about 1 hour for blood drawing and processing, as well as anesthetic cream application.


At Rejuvenus Clinic, we are dedicated to delivering the best service to our patients.
Here is a list of our Frequently Asked Questions. If you have any other questions or concerns, our experts will provide you will all the information you need.
Are Platelet Rich Plasma Treatments Safe?
Yes. Because the procedure uses your own blood, there is no risk of allergic reaction and no possibility of a tainted blood product.
Does The Treatment Hurt?
Topical anesthetic is applied before the treatment begins. Most patients report minimal to no discomfort during the procedure.
How Long Does The Treatment Take?
The treatment is not long. However, you should plan to stay at our clinic for about 1 hour. This includes time for collection and processing the blood, letting the anesthesia take effect, the microneedling and aftercare instructions.
How Many Treatments Do I Need To Complete?
The number of required treatments will depend on the patients's condition and improvement goals. Three treatment sessions are generally recommended spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart.
How Soon Will I See Results?
Results beging to show 3 to 4 weeks after the treatment session and continue to improve with time.
Will The Treatment Require Maintenance?
We recommend that most patients complete one treatment once or twice per year.