Belkyra is an injectable treatment used to destroy fat cells located under the chin. Belkyra is a safe chemical, called deoxycholate, that can selectively dissolve fat cells but leave other tissues alone. Belkyra is used as a permanent solution for eliminating submental fullness.
Do you have a double chin that won’t go away, no matter how much you restrict calories? Does your double chin make you look older than you are? Does your double chin make you feel self-conscious? If so, Belkyra may be right for you.

Pre-Treatment Instructions:
Belkyra™ should not be administered if you are pregnant, nursing, trying to get pregnant, have experienced hypersensitivity in the past, if you have severe allergies, and should not be used in areas of active inflammation or infection (cysts, pimples, rash). You should not get this procedure if you currently have or have a history of nerve damage, facial paralysis, facial movement issues, difficulty swallowing, bleeding problems, and prior or planned surgery, cosmetic treatments or medical conditions on or near my face, neck or chin. These conditions may be contraindications to receiving the treatment.
Notify your health care provider at Rejuvenus Clinic if you have had major dental work (excluding routine cleanings) 2 weeks before/after proposed injection procedure or if you have had any recent procedure (cosmetic, surgery, laser, or other) or any recent illness. If you are a male, you should come clean shaven (neck) to the treatment.

Post-Care Instructions:
Redness/swelling is normal for a few days to a week. Real results can be expected at four weeks (after all swelling has resolved).
Swelling is usually significant in the first couple of days to a week. Patients report looking like a “bullfrog” with a lot of fluid in the skin under the chin. This is normal.
Numbness is common for the first few weeks to a month. Discomfort and tenderness to the touch are also common in that time frame.
Do not rub the area treated. Do not massage the area.
Gently clean the area twice daily with mild soap.
Avoid irritants (Glycolic, acid, retinoids, etc.) until all redness/swelling resolves.
You may apply cool compresses/ice for 15 minutes/hour for comfort and to reduce swelling.
Make-up may be used as long as the skin is not broken or irritated.
Avoid use of aspirin, St. John’s Wort, and high doses of vitamin E for one week. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (ibuprofen) can be safely taken for discomfort.
Avoid strenuous exercise and alcohol for 24 hours after treatment.
Try to sleep upright, not on your side for the first 48 hours to take the pressure off your neck.
Do not have major dental work (excluding routine cleanings) for two weeks after the proposed injection procedure.
You should immediately notify us if you have any questions or concerns, or see any signs of problems (severe or extended: pain, redness, swelling, bruising, lumpiness, a sign of infection, blood supply compromise, trouble swallowing, uneven smile or trouble with moving the mouth/chin, or other). Signs of blood supply compromise include blanching or whitening/darkening/blackening of the skin, any discolouration, pain, or skin break/sloughing.
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