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Thread Lift in Toronto: Everything You Need to Know About Thread Lift

Updated: 5 days ago

Thread Lift Treatment at Rejuvenus Clinic.

Of the signs of aging, the most disheartening can be the loss of volume and structure in your face. As we age, the body slows in its production of collagen and the skin loses elasticity. Because of this, the features of the face can begin to sink, droop, or otherwise start to drift in ways that can render a face almost unrecognizable to its owner.

While cosmetic surgery is an option, many do not have the desire to deal with the recovery time, price, or potential complications of invasive plastic surgery. And while many minimally invasive treatments exist, they differ drastically in what (and how much) they can address.

Thread lift is an exciting and effective minimally invasive procedure to lift the skin of the face, restore facial volume, and regain the youthful appearance you may have lost over time.

At Rejuvenus Clinic, we believe that it is crucial to thoroughly research any cosmetic procedure you may be considering. That is why in this article, we will walk you through the thread lift procedure, cover the associated benefits and risks, and answer some frequently asked questions you may have. If you’re looking for a non-surgical solution to help you fight the signs of aging, this guide will help you decide if a thread lift may be right for you.

What is a Thread Lift?

A thread lift, also known as a suture suspension, is a minimally invasive procedure used to lift and reposition sagging skin and increase facial volume in areas such as the jawline, beneath the eyes, the forehead, and the cheeks. It boasts a short recovery time and long-lasting and very natural-seeming results, due in part to its ability to stimulate the skins own healing mechanisms and improve facial elasticity.

How Does Thread Lift in Toronto Work?

A suture suspension involves the use of a cannula or needle to thread absorbable sutures beneath the skin of the face. The threads are strung with micro cones, which go into the skin lined up straight and are then allowed to rotate around on their axis. They hook onto the tissue beneath the skin, forcing the tissue to adhere tighter to itself, suspending the skin, creating a tighter, “lifted” appearance to the skin, and helping reshape the contours of the face.

Over time, the cones will degrade and absorb harmlessly into the skin. However, this procedure has a secondary effect of stimulating the body’s natural collagen production to higher levels as a healing response to the presence of the threads. Because of this, even as the threads absorb, the tissue continues to heal in its more youthful state, and the face undergoes an ongoing “recontouring” phase in which the appearance and volume of the skin continues to improve for some time afterwards..

What are the Benefits of Thread Lifts?

The thread lift procedure in Vancouver is a minimally invasive treatment used to provide lift to facial skin and return the volume to areas of the face. It can be performed in under an hour with only a local anesthetic and will show immediate, natural-looking results and continued improvement thereafter as collagen production is stimulated by the threads, making the procedure a safe and cost-effective alternative to expensive and invasive plastic surgery.

The Benefits of a Thread Lift Include:

  1. Lifting and re-volumizing areas of the face that have grown lax with age, including:

    • Nasolabial folds (the lines running from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth)

    • Hollowed or sagging cheeks

    • Sunken undereye area

    • Jowls and jawline

    • Brow line

    • Forehead

  2. Realigning features to address facial asymmetry

  3. Lifting and “brightening” eyes

Additionally, thread lifts are a great alternative for men who want to maintain a more youthful appearance but are concerned about being able to hide the scarring from a more invasive face lift procedure.

How Soon After a Thread Lift Will I See Results?

You will be able to see the results immediately after your thread lift procedure! As the lifting is done physically by the cones pulling on the tissue beneath the skin, the results are instantaneous. After the initial procedure, the volume and appearance of your skin will continue improving as collagen production is stimulated and collagen builds up around the cones. This benefit of the procedure can mean that results can continue to improve for months after the fact.

How Long Do Thread Lifts Last?

The results of a thread lift can be visible for anywhere from three to four years, making thread lifts one of the longest-lasting minimally invasive cosmetic procedures on the market.  While the sutures themselves will dissipate over the first year, the neocollogenesis (aka the buildup of new collagen in the area) triggered by the threads means you may see continued improvement long past when the sutures have mostly been absorbed.

How Much Do Thread Lifts in Toronto Cost?

Prices for a thread lift vary greatly depending on the physician and the clinic, and even the city or town where the procedure is performed. It will also, of course, vary depending on the specifics of the procedure itself, based on the number of threads injected and what specific issues are being addressed.

In Toronto, the price of a thread lift is starting at approximately $1,500 for a single thread but can run you anywhere from $1,500 to $6,000.

Remember, like with most cosmetic procedures, it is very important to get your thread lift done only by a reputable physician and at a reputable medical clinic clinic. While this may potentially mean a larger cost per session, it will ensure you get the result you are looking for and prevent needless complications that require expensive fixes down the line or even leave lasting damage.

Are Thread Lifts Safe?

When performed by an experienced licensed practitioner, thread lifts are very safe procedures with little risk of serious complications! While some discomfort and swelling may occur in the immediate aftermath, you should even be able to return to a normal day’s activities immediately after.

In a thread lift performed specifically with Silhouette InstaLift®, the sutures, as well as the cones, are composed of are made from PLLA and PLGA (Poly L Lactic Acid & Poly Lactic-co-Glycolic Acid). PLGA is a biocompatible and biodegradable polymer with a long history of use in medical devices and implants. Over time, PLGA undergoes electrolysis in the body, splitting into its constituent chemicals—lactic acid and glycolic acid, both of which occur naturally in the body.

This makes PLGA a perfect material for this procedure, as it breaks down harmlessly over time, all the while stimulating your body’s natural skin tightening abilities. Silhouette InstaLift® was approved for use in cosmetic procedures by Health Canada in 2020, but was in use in many places for years prior, having been approved by the FDA in 2015.

Remember, when considering a cosmetic procedure, even a minimally invasive one in which you know the materials are safe, it is crucial to do your research and choose a reputable medical professional. An experienced practitioner will always go over your medical history ahead of the procedure to ensure they learn of any potential complications they need to watch out for or conditions that may prevent you from being a good candidate for the procedure. Going to a reputable professional will ensure that not only will the procedure be done safely according to best practices, but you will also know that you’re getting the best results possible.

Am I a Good Candidate for Thread Lift in Toronto?

A thread lift is safe and minimally invasive, and most people will have good results with the procedure. That being said, there are things that can make one a better candidate than most.

Physically, the ideal candidate for a thread lift has a strong bone structure, skin that is thick enough to keep it from becoming bumpy from the cones beneath the skin, and a mild to moderate amount of facial laxity that cannot be treated with fillers alone.

Psychologically, good candidates are those who wish to rejuvenate their facial appearance but are not interested in or not ready for plastic surgery. They have a clear understanding of what a thread lift can and can’t do and are realistic about the results they can expect. They are also prepared to follow aftercare instructions as needed to ensure the best results.

Some medical conditions make a candidate unsuitable for the thread lift procedure, and it is important that you speak with your practitioner about your medical history before proceeding with the treatment. You may not be a good candidate for a thread lift if you:

  • Have an allergy to polyvalent materials

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Have an active infection or inflammation on or near the injection area

  • Are on blood thinners or have recently taken blood-thinning drugs

  • Suffer from a bleeding disorder or autoimmune disease

  • Have a tendency towards keloid scars

If you’re unsure whether all of this applies to you, do not worry. A consultation session with our health care providers will always be done before your thread lift in the clinic. Our doctors who are specialized in thread lifts will speak with you to address any concerns and ensure you are medically and psychologically a good candidate for the procedure. If you still have questions, book a consultation today to ask more questions.

Where Can I Get a Thread Lift in Toronto?

If you are a Toronto resident looking for a reputable place to get a Thread lift, you should look no further than Rejuvenus Clinic.

Rejuvenus Clinic marries the reliability of a professional clinic with a luxurious boutique atmosphere. Their team of highly trained medical practitioners specializes in performing minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, including brow lift injections. Don’t trust your face with any less than the best.

You can find the clinic at:

3130 Bathurst St.

Suite 203, Toronto

ON, M6A 2A1

P: 647.615.0223

Or visit them online at and book your appointment today!

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