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Sculptra es un tratamiento ideal para pacientes que buscan glĆŗteos mĆ”s llenos y redondos.


Volver a esculpir la forma y el tamaƱo de los glĆŗteos puede ser un gran desafĆ­o solo con el ejercicio y la dieta. La dieta no puede enfocarse en Ć”reas especĆ­ficas del cuerpo y los entrenamientos no aumentarĆ”n significativamente la masa muscular en la parte trasera. Con un levantamiento de glĆŗteos Sculptra, su trasero puede volverse mĆ”s redondo, mĆ”s contorneado y mĆ”s lleno para que se sienta mĆ”s seguro.

White Feather



Sculptra Aesthetic Butt Lift es una versiĆ³n nueva y mejorada de las inyecciones de rellenos dĆ©rmicos (Ć”cido poli-L-lĆ”ctico) que agregan volumen dentro de la piel al mismo tiempo que estimulan el crecimiento de la producciĆ³n natural de colĆ”geno para ayudar a restaurar su estructura interna y espesar la piel. Con el tiempo, el paciente notarĆ” una diferencia de volumen visible en los glĆŗteos.


Este tratamiento le da al individuo la oportunidad de volver a esculpir el trasero con un procedimiento no quirĆŗrgico. Es la opciĆ³n perfecta para cualquier persona que no tenga mucha grasa en el cuerpo que pueda transferirse a los glĆŗteos usando otros mĆ©todos de levantamiento. El tratamiento tarda 60 minutos en realizarse y no implica tiempo de inactividad.



Sculptra es una alternativa a los tratamientos quirĆŗrgicos para el aumento de glĆŗteos como los implantes o el injerto de grasa. Los beneficios del aumento de glĆŗteos Sculptra incluyen:

  • Tratamiento mĆ­nimamente invasivo sin necesidad de cirugĆ­a

  • Resultado natural que se puede modificar en funciĆ³n del nĆŗmero de tratamientos.

  • Buena opciĆ³n para pacientes sin grasa disponible para injertar

  • Corto tiempo de recuperaciĆ³n

  • sin cicatrices

  • Aporta volumen, firmeza y lifting

White Feather

Preguntas mƔs frecuentes

En la ClĆ­nica Rejuvenus,  estamos dedicados a brindar el mejor servicio a nuestros pacientes.  


AquĆ­ hay una lista de nuestras Preguntas Frecuentes. Si tiene alguna otra pregunta o inquietud, nuestros expertos le brindarĆ”n toda la informaciĆ³n que necesita.

What is the Sculptra Butt Lift?

Sculptra Butt Lift is a revolutionary non-surgical alternative to a traditional butt lift or a Brazilian butt lift. This treatment involves the use of Sculptra injections at targeted areas under the skin. This thickens the skin and stimulates deep collagen growth, resulting in a firmer feeling and more voluptuous buttocks.

This is most useful in someone who has very little fat for transfer to the buttock area. This lift can make the buttocks fuller for women of most body types. However, this is especially good for slim women without much body fat.

What is the recovery time?

Sculptra butt lifts have no downtime as there is no surgery involved in the treatment. Patients are sore after the procedure so we recommend no exercise for 24 hours.

What are the benefits of this procedure?

Natural Results: Subtle and impactful lift Simple Candidacy: Leaner patients qualify Non-Surgical: Lower risks and complications Non-Invasive: Anesthesia not required Short Recovery: Easy return to routine Quick Treatments: Limited life interruption Safe Materials: Injections easily absorb Long Duration: Results may last up to 2-5 years

What is the difference between a BBL and a Non-Surgical Butt Lift?

Sculptra®, coined as the liquid BBL, is a poly-l-lactic acid that works over time to increase your body’s collagen production and smooth out cellulite. Radiesse is a filler made from Calcium Hydroxylapatite microspheres. They aid in stimulating collagen production and help fill specific areas of the posterior to plump and augment the shape of your butt. Volume Hyaluronic Acid is a filler that helps keep skin plump and hydrated.

Which patients qualify?

Increase the volume, size or shape of the buttocks without surgery Improve contour of the buttock area Enhance your buttocks, but do not qualify for a fat transfer procedure Bring proportion and contouring to the buttocks area Patients who want to treat the “hip dip” area Add subtle lift to the buttocks area Women who are not a candidate for buttock implants Experience long term, non-permanent results A woman looking for improvement, not perfection, in the way she looks is the strongest candidate for a Sculptra lift. If you’re healthy and realistic in your expectations, this type of treatment may be right for you.

How long do results last?

Results may last up to two to five years. You are just one call away from your new curvaceous figure and a brand new you. Our team of medical specialists are experts in the latest and cutting-edge dermatological and cosmetic procedures.


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Rejuvenus Clinic

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