Las arañas vasculares visibles o telangiectasias (venas de las piernas y venas faciales) afectan a millones de personas en todo el mundo. Estos pequeños vasos sanguíneos dilatados suelen ser de color rojo o púrpura y pueden presentarse como hebras, ramas o racimos visibles en la superficie de la piel. Algunas de las causas son hereditarias, mucha posición (si trabaja como enfermera, peluquera, maestra, vendedora o trabajadora de una fábrica), obesidad, uso de píldoras anticonceptivas e influencias hormonales del embarazo, la pubertad y menopausia.

Venous insufficiency is a common medical condition affecting more than 20% of Canadian adults. Women have a higher incidence of venous insufficiency than men. There are many factors that can increase the likelihood of contracting a vein condition, including age, genetic predisposition (hereditary factors/ family history), weight gain, pregnancy and the conditions of your occupation, like standing on your feet all day. In some instances, vein conditions can lie deep within the skin, leading to a “silent condition.” In other instances, the condition may come with many obvious symptoms.
The most common venous conditions treated at Rejuvenus Clinic are varicose and spider veins. Varicose veins are enlarged, swollen and twisting veins that appear throughout the leg. They are on the largest end of a spectrum that includes the much smaller spider veins.
At Rejuvenus Clinic, we offer a full range of treatment options to all of our patients.

With the use of our LongPulse® technology, we are able to precisely and safely treat the effected area with longer pulse times of up to 60ms. Working with spot sizes that vary from 2mm, 3mm, 6mm and 9mm in diameter, and that have a maximum fluency of up to 500 j/cm2, we are able to treat various medical conditions related to vascular malformations on the face and body.
Lasertreatment is the safest, most natural way to treat these unsightly spider veins. We pass a laser over the vein so that light energy can make its way through the skin. It helps liquefy the coagulated blood that is trapped in the vessel. Your lymphatic system then simply flushes it out.

La escleroterapia es un procedimiento médico utilizado para eliminar las varices y las arañas vasculares. Se trata de una inyección de una sustancia química especial (esclerosante) solución directamente en la vena. La solución irrita el revestimiento del vaso sanguíneo, lo que hace que se colapse y se pegue y la sangre se coagule. Después de administrar la inyección de esclerosante, se aplica presión sobre las venas para evitar que la sangre regrese cuando se pone de pie. Es posible que deba usar medias de compresión durante varios días o semanas para mantener la presión.
Con el tiempo, el vaso se convierte en tejido cicatricial que desaparece de la vista. Regresará una vez que se logre un tratamiento exitoso. El intervalo de dos semanas es el programa de tratamiento ideal, pero puede variar según el consejo del médico. Se tarda una media de 3-4 sesiones. Muchos pacientes son tratados después de 1 o 2 sesiones solamente, mientras que algunos tardan más de lo habitual. Los pacientes normalmente ven mejoras después de cada visita.

Compression stockings squeeze the patient's legs and improve circulation. You may need to wear compression stockings for several days or weeks after the laser therapy or sclerotherapy treatment to maintain the pressure.
They are tight around the ankles and loosen further up the leg. This way, compression stockings support blood flow upwards, against gravity and back towards the heart. Compression stockings can help with discomfort, pain, and swelling. We encourage the use of compression stockings to all of our patients with varicose veins and symptoms of discomfort.


Preguntas más frecuentes
En la Clínica Rejuvenus, estamos dedicados a brindar el mejor servicio a nuestros pacientes.
Aquí hay una lista de nuestras Preguntas Frecuentes. Si tiene alguna otra pregunta o inquietud, nuestros expertos le brindarán toda la información que necesita.
What are Spider Veins?
While spider veins aren’t life threatening, they can be unsightly and plain irritating to look at. Normally veins circulate blood across the body and return it back to the heart. Sometimes an accumulation of blood in the veins creates a backflow and spider veins develop, creating a spider web effect on the face or legs. Extreme exposure to the sun can especially irritate the condition in the face.
What can I expect from Sclerotherapy Recovery?
Most patients can resume their daily activities immediately after treatment, though it is suggested to have a friend or family member take you home post procedure in case you have any lasting discomfort in your legs. You may experience minor side effects such as swelling, bruising, redness, irritation, or itching at the injection site.
What are Varicose Veins?
Varicose veins are enlarged, swollen and twisting veins that appear throughout the leg. They are on the largest end of a spectrum that includes the much smaller spider veins. If a patient has no symptoms or discomfort and is not bothered by the sight of the varicose veins, treatment might not be necessary. However, if there are symptoms, treatment may be required to reduce pain or discomfort, address complications, such as leg ulcers, skin discolouration, or swelling
How many treatments will I need to achieve the desired results?
Most patients only require one treatment, though multiple treatments (monthly or annually) may be needed to achieve optimal improvements to your spider veins.
How Long Does a Vein Treatment Session Take?
Spider vein or variscose vein removal only takes about 30-60 minutes. It is dependent on the number of veins in the treatment area. Your specislist will discuss the timing during your complimentary consultation.
How successful is sclerotherapy in treating variscose and spider veins?
When performed by a skilled and experienced provider like our experts this treatment can be quite effective in resolving the appearance of spider veins and small varicose veins. The results are permanent, though new spider veins are likely to appear as you age, which may cause you to seek further treatment.